Thursday, September 27, 2007

"The world is yours."

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I never wanted to make a "premade blog." I always just wanted to have my own created blog on my website, but I gave up... I surrendered. Oh well... life is still good! :)

I made a piece of art today that I'm practically in love with:

I'm not sure if my graphic design teacher liked it or not... but he's very hard to decipher anyway! But I love it... and that's all that matters... right? Hopefully this weekend I will become motivated to create more pieces like this... and not wait until the last minute on Sunday night. How am I supposed to change the fact that my brain starts to puke out creative juices when it's almost to late? Too graphic... I'll try backing down next time.

I start the first day of my "new" job tomorrow! I am so excited! It's not a completly new job, it's my internship, who offered me a job, and tomorrow is my first day working for them as an "employee." I can now, officially say that I love my job! Go me :)

> S